beware online classes

online classes fraud

To Be Safe When Learning in Online Classes or Forums.

As in flying 2k21, the Cyber Crime has risen to 11.8% in India, The latest CII report for 2020 was released recently which puts the number of cases registered under cyber-crimes at more than 50,000. This is the first time that the number has crossed 50,000. A total of 50,035 cases of registered cyber-crimes in 2020 is 11.8% more than the number in 2019.

Cyber experts have asked teachers to follow basic rules to avoid intrusion by outsiders.

  • As a Ist step, people should avoid sharing links to classes or webinars in the public domain. The administrator who lets in students or attendees also needs to be vigilant to stop any outsider from entering.
  • Using an ID specific to each class is another way to stop intrusions.
  • Activating the waiting room features helps the teacher take control.
  • Disabling the option that lets students join the class before the teacher will help further.
  • It would be great to disable screen-sharing among students who are non-hosts.
  • Once the teacher disables the remote control function, file transferring autosaves chat features and annotations, it will strengthen the cybersecurity of the online class.
  • The teacher must lock the virtual class against outsiders.

Once the class starts, taking small cyber-hygiene precautions can help to make online classes far more secure from potential attacks by hackers,”.

The use of a Regulator who is technically qualified to catch the perpetrator or, at least, stop the misuse of the online forum. The solution lay in adopting cyber security as a way of life for teachers and students. “The realization that hackers are trying to get into classes is the starting point of a journey of self-discovery of basic cyber hygiene habits